SharePoint Custom Access Denied Page

Creating a custom Access Denied page to match the site branding and client requirement is one of the requirement in most of the projects. In Microsoft SharePoint, it has a default Acess denied page. To customize and build our own Acess Denied page, follow the below steps.

  1. On the SharePoint server, navigate to : C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
  2. Create new folder: UserCustomPages
  3. From the /Layouts folder, copy AccessSenied.aspx file paste into the new folder(UserCustomPages).
  4. Rename the file to customAccessDenied.aspx and modify it as per the requirement, save it.
  5. Open SharePoint management shell
  6. Execute below scripts:

get-spcustomlayoutspage -webapplication "http://your-site-url"

This will show the default Access denied page used.

set-spcustomlayoutspage -Identity "AccessDenied" -RelativePath "/_layouts/15/UserCustomPages/customAccessDenied.aspx" -webapplication "http://your-site-url"

This will set the custom accessdenied page as the AccessDenied page.

get-spcustomlayoutspage -webapplication "http://your-site-url"

Execute this to verify the chnage.


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